Altar Servers
New OLPH Altar Servers Informational Meeting
Are you interested in becoming an altar server? Join us for an informational and organizational meeting for new altar servers at OLPH Parish! This is a wonderful opportunity to serve at Mass, assisting the priest and participating more deeply in the liturgy. Altar serving is a rewarding role that helps enhance the beauty and reverence of the Mass. The commitment can be as flexible as you wish, allowing you to serve as often as your schedule permits. This opportunity is open to children in Grades 5-8 who attend OLA School or OLPH PREP, as well as high school and college students. No experience is necessary—training will be provided. Students and parents (at least one parent must attend the meeting if your child is under 18) are invited to an Informational/Organizational Meeting on Sunday, January 26 at 1:30 PM in the Church (after the OLA School Open House). Please let Fr. Artman know you will be attending by email at or call 610-543-0146. We look forward to welcoming new faces to this important ministry!