The Sacrament of Baptism


Infant Baptism

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! The Sacrament of Baptism welcomes a newborn into the Catholic Church. This Sacrament is the doorway to the Christian life and to all the other Sacraments. As such, preparation of the parents and for the Baptism itself deserves very special attention. Baptisms are scheduled on the first and thrid Sundays of the month (with some exceptions), following the 12:00 PM Mass. Registration for Baptisms is required; please contact the Rectory to do so.


Baptism Preparation (Pre-Jordan) Session

A Baptism Preparation (Pre-Jordan) Session, is offered every other month (the odd-numbered months) in anticipation of the celebration of the Sacrament. The session is open to all of our neighbor parishes and to godparents as well. Parents are encouraged to participate during pregnancy, if at all possible. The class takes place in the Rectory Meeting Room every other month (the odd-numbered months) at 7:00 PM. 

Parents must participate in a Baptism Preparation Session prior to the Baptism of their first child. Please call the Rectory at 610-543-1046 to register.  Registration for Pre-Jordan Sessions is required.


Requirements for Baptism


  • If you are not a member of OLPH Parish, you need to obtain a letter of permission from your Parish Church, acknowledging that your child is to be baptized here.

  • Parents must participate in a Baptism Preparation Session prior to the Baptism.

  • Please provide the baby's full name when registering for Baptism.

  • Only PARENTS may schedule the Baptism of their child; no grandparents or godparents


The role of the Godparents for children (Godfather and/or Godmother), is to shadow the parents, therefore the parent may not be the Godparent. There may only be one female and/or one male in the role of a Godparent, and they must be fully initiated, practicing Catholics.  This means that they have been Baptized, Confirmed and have received their First Holy Communion and attend Mass regularly. Two Godparents of the same sex are not permitted. This role is more than ceremonial. Godparents and sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation are witnesses to the Faith of the Church celebrated in these Sacraments of Christian Initiation. Living, sharing, modeling and mentoring the same Faith of the Church is at the heart of the role of Godparents and Sponsors. This is the reason why today as throughout the history of the Church the role of Godparents and Sponsors has been taken most seriously. So, the first consideration when making the choice for a Godparent and/or Sponsor centers on the Faith and a relationship between believers.

All Godparents (Sponsors) must meet the following requirements established by Catholic Church Canon Law:

  1. Must be 16 years of age or older.

  2. Must have been fully initiated into the Catholic Church, having received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.

  3. Must practice his/her Catholic faith by participating at Mass regularly on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and in the sacramental life of the Church.

  4. If married, must be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church and be presently living in a valid marriage. Persons who are divorced but not remarried outside the Church are eligible as sponsors.

  5. Must not be living with someone outside of marriage.

  6. Must actively strive to live out his/her commitment to Christ through his/her prayer life and by trying to be faithful to the values and moral teachings of the Catholic faith.

  7. Must be willing to be an example of Christian living to the person he/she is sponsoring by the faith he/she professes in the Lord and His Church, and by support and service to his/her parish community.

  8. (for Baptism) If circumstances occur which prevent the parents of this child from raising their child in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church, the sponsor (godparent) will do everything in his/her power to ensure that the Catholic education and formation of the child is completed.

Godparents must request a Letter of Eligibility from their Parish, and it must be mailed or dropped off at the Rectory prior to the Baptism. The Godparent should contact the Parish in which they are registered to obtain the Letter of Eligibility.  Please ensure this is done far enough in advance.

A Christian of another denomination may not serve as a Godparent, but may stand as a Christian Witness, only. A Christian Witness is a validly baptized non-Catholic who practices their faith in Christ in a visible and sincere manner. CHristian Witnesses must present a Certificate of Baptism.  Christian Witness status does not apply to Catholics who have left the Church.

  • Again, ALL Godparents meeting the above requirements must request a Letter of Eligibility from their Parish, and it must be mailed or dropped off at the Rectory prior to the Baptism. 


Baptism of Children (ages 7 to 18)

For the Baptism of Children between the ages of 7 and 18 years, the child must attend special prepatory classes.  Please call the Rectory for more information: 610-543-1046.


Christian Initiation of Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) begins each September. It is for adults who have never been baptized, were baptized in another Christian religion and now wish to explore becoming Catholic, and for those who were baptized Catholic but never made their First Communion and Confirmation.  Those interested in RCIA should contact our Director of Religious Education, Michelle Hundermark, at 610-543-5448.