OLPH Adult Choir

Come join the Adult Choir!

We welcome new members and welcome home members who have been away. We love having high schoolers, too! Come and check out the beautiful view from the loft and praise God in a special way with our choir family. No need to audition. If you enjoy singing, you’ll learn with us as we prepare music for the 10:00 AM Mass on Sundays and special liturgies. The 2024-2025 season begins on Sunday, Sept. 8 with a 9:00 AM rehearsal and 10:00 AM Mass. We’ll also be preparing for our first big event of the year Msgr. Savinski’s Papal Award Mass to be celebrated by Archbishop Perez. Rehearsals: Sunday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 AM, September to May. Wednesday evenings in the Fall and Spring. Contact Music Director, Michele Lowe Williams:
MLW4satb@aol.com or 610-742-8267.