Flame of Love Devotion

The Flame of Love Holy Hour

The Flame of Love (FOL) is Jesus Himself, who desires to empower faithful souls to combat the evils of sin, lukewarmness, and indifference. The FOL Movement revives tepid souls enabling them to embrace: Daily Mass and Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Hours, and Fasting. The devotion is church approved and has been spreading throughout the United States since 2013.  Saving souls is the mission of the Flame of Love.  We host a weekly FOL Holy Hour of Reparation in the chapel each Friday from 1 PM to 2 PM.  For more information please call Deacon Ron Kelley or Julie Kelley at 610-544-0386.

The FOL Pilgrim Virgin Statue is now available to visit your home for a week!  Please prayerfully consider inviting Our Lady into your home.  Testimonies of peace, comfort, healing and hope abound with those who have opened their door to the FOL Pilgrim Virgin Statue.  More information about this Devotion is available in the Flame of Love Pilgrim Virgin Statue Binder that accompanies the statue.  The Flame of Love Prayer Book is also provided for your private prayer time.  To reserve your week, please use this Sign Up Geniuslink or contact Julie Kelley at 610-544-0386.