2024 Year in Review

2024 Year in Review

On June 17, 2024, Father Brandon M. Artman was assigned at the Parochial Administrator at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish.  Since then, so many wonderful Parish events and celebrations have taken place.  Many of them are listed below in this mini Year in Review:

  • Father Brandon Artman assigned as Parochial Administrator (June 17, 2024)
  • Welcome Reception for Fr. Artman (June 22 & 23, 2024). Despite the 100+ degree temperatures, hundreds of parishioners stayed after each Mass to welcome and meet Fr. Artman and enjoy refreshments provided by the Knights of Columbus & the Hospitality Committee.
  • Deacon Kevin Harrington assigned as Permanent Deacon (August 5, 2024). We are happy to have Deacon Kevin, an OLPH Parishioner, assisting us!
  • Initial joint meeting of Parish and Finance Councils (August 22, 2024). Artman met with these integral advisory committees of our Parish, and will continue to meet with them bi-monthly.
  • Replanting of the Bell Garden (September 8, 2024). Members of the OLPH Youth Group spent the afternoon of the Blessed Mother’s birthday replanting and sprucing up the Bell Garden in front of Church and the Marian Shrine in front of OLA School. God said: Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed. And so it happened. God saw that it was good. (Gn. 1: 11-12).  Photos here.
  • That Man Is You (TMIY) Men’s Program initiated (13 Saturday mornings, beginning September 21, 2024). Dozens of men meet at 6:30 AM on Saturday mornings for fellowship and to discuss what being a Catholic man in the 21st century truly means.
  • Presentation of Papal Honors to Monsignor John Savinski at Mass with Archbishop Pérez. (September 22, 2024): Hundreds came to celebrate Msgr. Savinski, who was Pastor at OLPH from 2003 until his retirement in 2020, receiving the “Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice” Award from Pope Francis. Archbishop Perez celebrated Mass and presented the award to Monsignor.  This award is given to those who have notably performed, with great zeal, outstanding works for the Church and the Pontiff (the Pope).  It is one of the highest papal honors that can be given.  It was established by Pope Leo XIII in 1888, and is given to a select few people each year by the Pope.  After Mass, all enjoyed greeting and congratulating Monsignor.  A wonderful celebration for a humble, holy, and hard-working priest!  Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus, Youth Group, Music Ministry, Hospitality Committee for their assistance!  Photos of the Mass here; information about the award here.
  • Parish Picnic (September 29, 2024). Despite the overcast and drizzly weather, hundreds attended our Parish Picnic, which was expanded from last year.  All had a great time!  Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus, Hospitality Committee, and Youth Group. Photos here.
  • Blessing of Animals (October 6, 2024). 61 animals and over 150 people gathered for a special blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.  Special treats were available for all! Additionally, Fr. Artman blessed the stuffed animals on the PreK students of OLA School the Friday before. Photos here.
  • Anointing of the Sick Mass & Reception (October 12, 2024). Several dozen people gathered for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion to receive healing and strengthening of their minds, bodies, and spirits.  All enjoyed a reception afterwards.
  • Marian Tea (October 13, 2024). We celebrated the Month of the Holy Rosary by praying the Rosary and enjoying a high Afternoon Tea.
  • Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotions (October 20-22, 2024). After a hiatus since 2019, our Parish Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotions were a beautiful celebration of our Eucharistic Lord.  All-day Adoration in Church was available for all to bring their prayers to Jesus.  Each evening we celebrated Evening Prayer, where Fr. Christopher Redcay, Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary preached inspiring homilies.  So many were moved and spiritually awakened them. Over 150 people attended the Close of Forty Hours, featuring a special candlelit Eucharistic Procession from the Church to the Chapel, and ending with a Cider Social.  Special thanks to our Music Ministry, Youth Group, and Hospitality Committee.  Photos here.
  • Mass of Remembrance (November 3, 2024). The day after All Souls Day, over 200 people gathered for a special Mass remembering the people who died and were buried from OLPH over the past year.  Afterwards, we gathered for a reception and a presentation on the grief process.  Special thanks to our Bereavement Ministry for assisting with this.  Photos here.
  • Confirmation Mass (November 9, 2024). 35 of our young parishioners were sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, celebrated by Bishop Keith Chylinski, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia. Special thanks to our Music Ministry. Photos here.
  • Blessing of Prayer Shawls & Knitters at Sunday Mass (November 10, 2024). The talented knitters of our Prayer Shawl Ministry, as well as the Prayer Shawls, Blankets, and Prayer Pockets lovingly handcrafted by them, were blessed at Mass. For more information on our Prayer Shawl Ministry, please click here.
  • Thanksgiving Day Mass (November 28, 2024). Members of our Parish Youth Group spent the Saturday morning before Thanksgiving preparing, baking, and packaging over 150 loaves of bread. They also made Christmas cards that were delivered, along with a poinsettia, by Father Artman to our homebound parishioners the week before Christmas. At Mass on Thanksgiving Day, the bread was blessed and distributed to each family present. As our families were gathered together to celebrate Thanksgiving, we were united as one Parish Family in Christ as well through the breaking and sharing of these loaves at our family tables. This was a great way to truly help others to encounter Christ. Thank you to our Youth Group for this wonderful outpouring of love! Photos here.
  • Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast (September 8, 2024). Our parishioners and friends enjoyed pancakes, sausages, and all the fixins. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for cooking, to our Youth Group for helping, and to Santa for stopping by!  Photos here.
  • Christmas Masses. Attendance was over 1100 at our 4 Christmas Eve and Day Masses! Special thanks to our church cleaners and decorators, our liturgical ministers, as well as our Music Ministry for making our Masses so special!  Photos here.

We are anxious to see where the Holy Spirit will guide us in 2025!