Parish Ministries & Organizations

OLPH Parish Ministries & Organizations are listed below in alphabetical order.


Adult Education

Adult Education classes for the knowledge and deepening of the Catholic faith are scheduled for approximately 5 weeks in the Fall and in the Spring as announced. Various topics are presented, such as the Liturgy, Church teachings, the Saints, etc. Meeting times are announced accordingly. Contact the Rectory at 610-543-1046 or Michele Hundermark at 610-543-5448.


Altar Servers

Called to their ministry at the beginning of fifth grade, Altar Servers are recruited from OLPH students at Our Lady of Angels Regional School, PREP, and private schools/academies. These boys and girls play an important role in our parish by assisting the priest at daily and Sunday Masses, funerals, weddings, and other liturgical celebrations. For more information, contact Father Artman at 610-543-1046 or email him.


Bereavement Ministry

The mission of the Bereavement Ministry of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is to bring comfort and support to grieving members of our Parish community. Team members offer practical help at the time of a loved one’s deathand provide ongoing support through a card-writing and telephone ministry. Contact Maggie Coates at 610-544-4095.


Blood Drive

In conjunction with the American Red Cross, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and the Respect Life Committee has held blood drives for over thirty-five years. Popular and loyal response to this program now has OLPH conducting this drive twice a year, in January and in August. Assistance is always needed in making necessary telephone calls to organize the donors and to prepare refreshments for the Red Cross volunteers. Anyone who can assist in this life-saving program can contact the Rectory at 610-543-1046.


Church and Chapel Decorating Committee

Parishioners are asked to volunteer to assist in arranging decorations for major feast days such as Christmas and Easter. Announcements will be made when helpers are needed.



The CYO Athletic Program, headed by our CYO Athletic Director and his staff of volunteers and coaches, offers many sports, opportunities for parishioners from the 5th grade through to 12th grade high school (volleyball, basketball, cross country, track, baseball, softball, and cheerleading). Contact the Rectory for further information at 610-543-1046.

The following forms are available for download by clicking here: CYO Forms or on the "CYO Forms" item in the Menu bar (at the top of this web page):

  1. OLPH Youth Ministry Athletic Registration Form
  2. CYO Code of Conduct
  3. CYO Concussion Policy
  4. CYO Return to Play Policy
  5. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symptoms
  6. CYO Photo Consent Form


Evangelization Team

This group of parishioners meet to plan evangelization programs for the parish. Contact Jim Minnick at 610-457-1828 for more information.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve in an ancient ministry that was restored by Pope Paul VI and participate in the life of the community in a special way. Those individuals, chosen by the Pastor, assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and bring Holy Communion to those members of the Parish who are physically unable to attend Mass. For more information, contact Father Artman at 610-543-1046 or email him.


Flame of Love Devotion

The Flame of Love (FOL) is Jesus Himself, who desires to empower faithful souls to combat the evils of sin, lukewarmness, and indifference. The FOL Movement revives tepid souls enabling them to embrace: Daily Mass and Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Hours, and Fasting. The devotion is church approved and has been spreading throughout the United States since 2013.  Saving souls is the mission of the Flame of Love.  We host a weekly FOL Holy Hour of Reparation in the chapel each Friday from 1 PM to 2 PM.  For more information please call Deacon Ron Kelley or Julie Kelley at 610-544-0386.

The FOL Pilgrim Virgin Statue is now available to visit your home for a week!  Please prayerfully consider inviting Our Lady into your home.  Testimonies of peace, comfort, healing and hope abound with those who have opened their door to the FOL Pilgrim Virgin Statue.  More information about this Devotion is available in the Flame of Love Pilgrim Virgin Statue Binder that accompanies the statue.  The Flame of Love Prayer Book is also provided for your private prayer time.  To reserve your week, please contact Julie Kelley at 610-544-0386.


Food Pantry

Parishioners are asked to donate nonperishable foods to be distributed to the needy in the area. Donations can be dropped off at the Rectory during regular business hours.  Recipients must fill out a registration form. For more information, please call the Rectory at 610-543-1046.


Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee helps to arrange receptions and provide refreshments for various Parish programs and occasions as scheduled or as called upon.  For further information, please contact Eileen Plover at 610-586-1399.



The ministry of commissioned Lectors is to proclaim the Word of God at liturgical celebrations. Lectors must be adults or of high school age and must be trained. For more information, contact Father Artman at 610-543-1046 or email him.


Liturgy of the Word for Children

The Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the Sunday 10:00 AM Mass from September through the beginning of May. Children from grades 1 through 3, or ages 4 through 10, are called from the assembly to celebrate the Word of God on their own level under the leadership of a specially prepared teacher or one of the Priests or Deacons. They return to the Church after the General Intercessions. Contact Michele Hundermark at 610-543-5448.


Music Ministry

Adult Choir - Cantors - Children’s Choir

Under the direction of Michele Williams and her assistant, Beth Wenglicki, the OLPH Adult Choir provides liturgical enrichment with its solemn, respectful performance of specially selected hymns. The choir sings at the 10:00 AM Mass every Sunday from September through June, as well as at special liturgies such as First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Forty Hours, Christmas Eve, the Holy Week Triduum, and Easter. Rehearsals are scheduled for Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 PM. New members, high school age and older, are always welcome. No experience is necessary. Contact Michele Williams by email at MLW4SATB@AOL.COM.

Cantors lead the congregation in singing. Assignments rotate. Experience is helpful but not required. Cantors prepare by using recordings and/or working individually with one of the organists. Contact Michele Williams at 610-644-1161 or by email at MLW4SATB@AOL.COM.

The Children’s Choir is open to all children of the parish under the age of 18. Practices are held from 11:15 AM -11:45 AM every other Sunday in the Choir Loft of the Church. The children sing at scheduled Masses and at special liturgies such as First Holy Communion and the Annual May Procession. Contact director Mrs. Marylee Fairfield at maryleefairfield@AOL.com.


OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)

[formerly called RCIA]

The OCIA program is a four-step journey within the Parish life for non-Catholic baptized adults, or any unbaptized person over the age of 7, who choose the Roman Catholic Church in their faith commitment as well as community and spiritual guidance in their personal lives. Designed to welcome new members into the Catholic Church, the OCIA program also leads every Catholic parishioner to deeper belief and the renewal of his/her Christian faith. Classes begin in the Fall with the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist administered at the Easter Vigil Mass accordingly. Contact the Director of Religious Education, Michele Hundermark at 610-543-5448.


Parish Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in a consultative capacity to advise and assist him in his administration of the finances and temporalities of the Parish (Code of Canon Law 537).  The Parish Finance Council works closely with the Parish Pastoral Council to advance the mission and goals of the Parish. Members of the Parish Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor.  For more information, contact Father Artman at 610-543-1046 or email him.


Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is the major consultative body in the parish that advises the Pastor, who presides over the Council. It is composed of the Permanent Deacons, Parish Staff members, and laity who represent the members of the Parish. The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to foster full participation of the entire Parish in the life and mission of Christ, Who was sent “to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and release to prisoners” (Luke 4:18). Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are appointed by the Pastor.  For more information, contact Father Artman at 610-543-1046 or email him.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry began at OLPH in October 2014.  The mission is to bring together people of similar interests to share in fellowship and to use time and talent to produce prayer shawls, lap robes, baby blankets, and prayer pockets, which are given to shut ins, the newly baptized, and others as needed. This ministry is open to anyone who has the skills to knot or crochet or would like to learn either. Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday from October to June from 10-11:30 AM.  For more information please contact Dotty Kostyk at 610-532-6003.


Pre-Jordan Baptismal Class

Just as Jesus prepared for His public ministry with His baptism in the River Jordan, the Pre-Jordan class prepares parents for the baptism of their child. During this hour-long and a half class, a parish priest or deacon will explain the theological aspects of the sacrament, and a married couple from the Pre-Jordan Team will share their faith and offer practical suggestions for rearing children in a God-centered home. Classes are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room.  Registration is required.  Also, please consult the requirements for Godparents at this link : Godparents requirements.  To register, please call the Rectory at 610-543-1046.


PREP  (Parish Religious Education Program)

Classes in the OLPH PREP are held for students attending non-Catholic schools to strengthen, supplement, and reinforce the knowledge of the faith and of the love of God that is introduced in the home by the parents. Grades 1-6 meet on Mondays from 4:15-5:30 PM in Our Lady of Angels School. Students in grades 7 and 8 are part of the Youth Ministry program which meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from 11 AM-12:30 PM.

Family Catechesis is an innovative program for families who meet once each month (Sunday at 11 AM to 12:30 PM) to assist in instructing their children.  There are specific requirements for participation.

A two week Summer Prep is another option for those who meet certain requirements.

For all PREP questions please contact the Director of Religious Education, Michele Hundermark at 610-543-5448. More info at the PREP Page: /Religious-Education


Respect Life Committee

Through collaboration with the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia the OLPH Respect Life Committee strives to instill a sense of urgency to all life issues; to mobilize others to take an active role in the pro-life movement; to spread the gospel of life; and to provide and support alternatives to contraception, abortion, and euthanasia. Activities include the recitation of the pro-life rosary, the Parish Red Cross Blood Drive, a Baby Bottle Coin Drive in support of Mothers’ Home in Darby, and participation in the March for Life in Washington, DC, in January. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday in September, January, and March in the Rectory at 7:30 P.M.  The Rosary for Life is offered on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Chapel.  Contact Mary Pastorius at 610-532-5557.


Saint Martha’s Guild / Church Cleaners

Parish volunteers comprise the St. Martha’s Guild.  Members , divided into groups, clean the Church and Chapel weekly on a rotating basis. Contact Vera Cullen at 610-544-7995.


Saint Thomas Aquinas Book Club

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Book Club meets on a monthly basis to review and share comments on a selected religious book.  Contact Michele Hundermark at 610-543-5448.


Scripture Studies

Scripture studies and reflections are presented Wednesday mornings as scheduled (this can vary throughout the year). The presentations are held in the Rectory Meeting Room.  Contact Michele Hundermark at 610-543-5448.


Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia

The Sisters of Saint Francis have been an integral part of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help community since 1918 in staffing and administering the parish school and continue to do so in Our Lady of Angels Regional School. Contact the sisters at 610-543-0186 with prayer requests, to inquire about Neumann University, to learn about retreats and spiritual programs at the Franciscan Spiritual Center in Aston, Pennsylvania, or to learn more about the life of a Sister of Saint Francis of Philadelphia.  More information is available here.


Youth Ministry

In coordination with the Office of Catechetical Formation , Parish Youth, and Young Adult Ministry of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, OLPH has a balanced Youth Ministry Program which is open to and which addresses the needs of our 5th to 8th grade students with service, social, and spiritual events scheduled throughout the year.  This program fulfills the requirements for our 7th and 8th grade PREP students to qualify for the Parish CYO sports activities. Contact our Youth Ministry leader, Lisa Bucholski, at 610-543-5448.